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  • Writer's pictureDr. Eric Bischoff

How to Write a Good Scientific Research Paper

"How to write a research paper?" is a question many people ask. The answer is, it can be easily done. The answer is, it can be easily done.
"How to write a research paper?" is a question many people ask.

Scientific papers are the results of our research work on experiments, theories, or observations, and are written in a certain format. The basis of scientific papers is the results of scientific research and their materials. Only those who engage in scientific research or engineering practice and obtain new results can write scientific papers.

A high-level paper must not only have scientific analysis and unique academic insights, but also must be rigorous in structure, clear in level, fluent in sentences, accurate in wording, and highly readable to be accepted by the corresponding journal Accepted by the magazine and published as soon as possible.

The quality of writing scientific papers not only shows the academic level and expressive ability of the author but also directly affects the level of the journal that publishes the article.

Innovativeness refers to the latest research results that are creative, high-level and significant in basic research or applied research.

The size of a thesis or a research class may not be very large, but the research must be in-depth, the results must be profound, and it must reflect the unique insights of the researchers. Such a thesis is a high-level thesis.

The readability of a scientific paper is crucial and should be highly valued by the author.

It requires rigorous conclusions, full content, complete discussion, and strong logic; the discussion is simple, the expression is clear and concise; the professional terminology is accurate, consistent, and the language should be standardized and vivid.

The more new knowledge you gain after reading an article, the greater the amount of information. For example, the "multi-point measurement" has much less information than the "6-point measurement". The former gives vague and inaccurate information, while the latter gives clear and accurate information.

Although the length is small, the amount of information contained is not necessarily small, as long as the content is substantial, it is a good article. The thesis does not discuss heroes by length!

Short essay example: Watson and Crick's paper on the double helix structure of DNA contains only about 500 words and a double helix diagram of DNA; American scientists Penzias and Wilson discovered the 3K of the Big Bang The technical observation paper on background radiation is only one page long, and these two papers have won the Nobel Prize in Biomedicine and Physics respectively.

Several questions that should be considered before writing are:

1. Why write this paper?

2. What viewpoints and arguments should be elaborated on?

3. In what way is it going to influence the writer?

4. Who are the interested readers?

5. Which journal are you going to submit to?

The content should be consistent with the positioning of the journal. Before submission, pay attention to the coverage of the journal, that is, the manuscript must match the professional scope of the journal. Manuscripts that are not related to or far from the journal are difficult to be accepted.

1. Announce innovation achievements and obtain intellectual property rights;

2. Reflect academic level and establish influence (reputation);

3. Promote scientific and technological progress and industry progress;

4. Promotion title, graduation thesis.

The thesis is an essential professional skill for scientific and technological personnel; it is an important sign to evaluate the academic level, research and development ability, and innovation ability of a unit or scientific and technological personnel.

1. First of all, according to the work you are engaged in, choose a topic with scientific value, innovation, and practical significance;

2. The second is to be good at selecting topics from the edges of disciplines or the intersections and junctions of multiple disciplines;

3. Read more industry journals, listen to academic reports, and discuss with colleagues to understand the current status of research and problems to be solved;

4. Identify interesting topics that have not been explored in the field of interest;

5. Summarize highly controversial issues, repeatedly compare research methods and conclusions, and find entry points from them;

6. Be good at grasping the difficulties encountered in the process of scientific research and production, and discover the flashpoints of thinking;

7. Content that others haven't written may not be because others didn't expect it, but because it has no meaning or possibility.

· Propose a proposition

· Clarify research methods

· Get the research results

· Give a clear conclusion

· Core journal issues

In some regions and academic units, applying for a senior title, obtaining the qualification for the defense of the postgraduate thesis, applying for scientific research projects, evaluating the academic level of scientific research institutions or universities, and completing the workload of teachers and researchers, etc. One of the prerequisites is to publish several papers in core journals within a certain period of time.

The core journal is the result of a large number of high-quality scientific articles plus the planning of the magazine editor.

There are currently two authoritative versions of core journals in China. One is the "Chinese Science and Technology Papers Statistical Source Journal" (also known as the "Chinese Science and Technology Core Journal") rated by the China Institute of Science and Technology Information (on behalf of the Ministry of Science and Technology); the other is the "Chinese Core Journal" published by the Peking University Library.

Part Two Key Points in Writing High-level Scientific Papers

1 The argument to be "new"

2 The title should be "precise"

3 Levels need to be clear

4 Expressions should be "standard"

5 Be prepared

6 Modify patiently

After determining the theme of the article (what story to tell), begin to choose the content of the choice, you can first list the outline, including the title of each part, the necessary charts, and data. The length is generally controlled at 3000-5000 words.

The argument to be "new"

Innovation or originality is the primary feature of scientific papers. This is because the main research results reported in scientific papers should not be available to predecessors (or others). If there is no new point of view, insights, results, and conclusions, it is not a scientific paper.

Don't repeat the content of articles that have been published by others, and avoid re-description and argumentation of existing knowledge, unless the author has new ideas, so usually pay attention to read and browse related magazines.

Of course, the innovation of scientific papers is relatively speaking, but there should always be something unique, such as solving problems that were not solved by predecessors, the invention of a certain technology, the discovery of a new method, new materials, a certain The design and application of a new process, supplementing, confirming or denying the unrecognized hypothesis, etc., discussing some important theoretical, experimental or observational new knowledge, or some known principles in the practical application The progress.

Even if only some work has been done to revise, improve, deepen and improve accuracy, it is also desirable, and it should also fall within the scope of innovation.

In actual research or work, after all, there are really few research results of great value. Most of the topics are in the introduction, digestion, and transplantation of advanced science and technology already at home and abroad, as well as the application of existing theories to solve practical problems in the region, industry, and system. However, as long as the theory is enriched, production development and science Technological progress has an effect and should be regarded as a certain degree of innovation.

Although those who have made great efforts are indeed the author's own "research results", they basically repeat other people's work, and others have done it, which means that there is no innovation. Therefore, it is necessary for us to frequently read related scientific and technological journals to understand the relevant developments.

The title is the general title of the thesis, also known as the title or title. It is the general outline of the thesis and the logical combination of the most appropriate and concise words that reflect the most important content of the thesis. The title is the crystallization, sublimation and high summary of the information and content expressed in the paper, and it is also "half of the success of the article."

Therefore, a good title can not only arouse strong interest in readers, closely and accurately express the content of the paper, but also reflect the scope, direction, and depth of the author’s research, and also provide important information for the article index and keywords. The organic combination of the text can often play a role in the combination and complement each other.

Therefore, the title should be "accurately express the content of the paper with a minimum number of words". Appropriate but not too plain, contagious and not exaggerated.

Basic requirements for topic writing a research paper are:

· Accuracy

· Brevity

· Clarity.

Proposition example: If the thesis introduces a method that has been used before, and you use a completely new method, the title can be "new method"; if some improvements are made on the basis of the predecessors, it is "improvement Method "; if the effect is similar to the previous method, but the method is different, it is “another method ".

The general requirements of scientific papers are: clear levels, the arrangement of sections and segments conforms to the logical order, and conforms to the reader's knowledge and thinking rules. No matter what kind of technical problems are involved in a scientific paper, no matter how many or small topics are involved, what kind of clarification and argumentation methods should be used, it should be centered on the central topic, according to the specific situation, flexibly deal with, adopt the appropriate structural order and level, Organize paragraphs, arrange materials, and can't think of where to write.

A paper, from the perspective of the development of ideas, should be spoken layer by layer, through one layer, and then another layer of meaning. The questions raised at the beginning must be analyzed, and the answers should be answered at the end so that they can be answered after they are called. Otherwise, it is easy to cause unclear levels, chaotic structure, and unclear themes.

The structure of scientific papers can generally be summarized as follows: 1) Propose a proposition; 2) Clarify research methods; 3) Obtain research results; 4) Give clear conclusions.

Whether the structure is reasonable is mainly checked from three aspects:

First, to see whether the various levels are clear and clear, whether there are repetitions or contradictions, whether there are missing or redundant points, whether the meaning is coherent and smooth, and whether the proof requirements of each sub-argument are met;

Second, to see whether the transition between the various levels is consistent with the reference, whether the transition is natural and proper, and whether the connection between the paragraphs is close.

The third is to see whether the preface, the present theory, and the conclusion are in harmony, whether there is a situation that has already been called before it should not be followed. The question was asked before but not answered later.

In short, a good article structure is to clearly divide the chaotic levels, arrange the unreasonable paragraphs properly, change the unconnected ones up and down, make the unsatisfactory changes echo, and make the inappropriate details inappropriate. Try to be seamless and leave no traces.

The expression must be standardized

The norms expressed in the paper directly affect the processing and dissemination of information. Only by realizing the standardization of the writing format and the standardization of every detail processing can the scientific papers truly reflect the connotation of science and accurately express the content of science.

Requirements: prominent topics, clear levels, clear paragraphs; concise and real language; correct punctuation marks; chart specifications; dimensions (units) conform to standards; reference elements are complete, clear and appropriate.

The standardized expression of scientific papers mainly involves the following aspects:

Standardization of writing format. According to the requirements of GB7713-87, scientific papers must have a unified format, that is, the components and order of scientific papers are: title, author signature, abstract, keywords, CLC number, introduction, text, conclusion (and suggestions), Acknowledgements, References, and appendices; chapter bar codes in the hierarchical arrangement are uniformly expressed in Arabic numerals, and the text under the title generally starts separately.

Standardization or standardization of the expression of textual details and technical details. It mainly includes standard expressions of terms, numbers, quantities and units, mathematical formulas, chemical formulas, etc., as well as rational design of illustrations and tables.

Standardize the use of technical language and punctuation marks. Requirements: Accurate, concise, and vivid; do not use idiomatic words and dialects at will, let alone create words and expressions, which makes people wonder or misunderstand.

1) Literature research. Make full use of scientific and technological journals and Internet search, and follow the path, starting with one or two recent or representative papers, and gradually expand the "fights." Use the review to understand the dynamics in the field and find relevant literature.

2) Read the literature. After a lot of extensive reading, find out the part of the literature that is most relevant to the current topic.

3) Topic selection and innovation. The topic selection is the key to scientific research. The topic selection is to decide what and how to write the thesis. The importance of a job is often determined when the topic is selected.

Never write the thesis as an instruction manual, design calculation book, nor did maintenance manual, construction process plan, at least not let the conventional design calculation take up too much space. To be good at summarizing the common problems or key problems in scientific research design, production, use or construction, focusing on introducing methods and ideas. Don't cram too many details or unnecessary content.

The work summary or experiment summary is different from scientific papers. The summary may be more detailed in content, but it is not necessarily creative or published, and the format is not very strict and uniform. The thesis emphasizes scientificity, creativity, logic, and effectiveness.

After the first draft of the paper is written, you have to be patient to make three or five revisions. The author must first check his own article.

Re-examine the argument, whether it is stated correctly and clearly. See how the arguments in the article are expressed, whether they are written the same as they are envisaged. After reading, will the reader agree with their own ideas? Whether each sub-argument in the article demonstrates the central argument from a different perspective.

Finally, the researcher/publisher of the research paper should be asking him/herself the following questions and should structure the content of the research paper accordingly:

1. What kind of articles cause editors a headache

2. What kind of articles are easy to be shot by editors

3. Five Elements of Excellent Papers

4. Several questions that should be considered before writing

5. Why publish scientific papers

Six, how to choose a topic?

7. Structure of scientific papers

8. Core Journal Issues

· The article writing has no levels and looks chaotic.

• The writing of the article is not fluent and stiff to read.

• A wrong statement, improper use of words, and punctuation are indiscriminate.

• The length is too long, the secondary matters are too much, and the preface is too long.

• The words are wordy, and the text is not correct, which is puzzling.

• Incomplete bibliography.

• Lack of innovation and repeat others' work.

• The content is too old, repeat common sense content.

• The research content is not important or too narrow.

• There are obvious mistakes in the content, to generalize.

• Deviate from reality, from simulation to virtue.

• Lack of persuasion is hardly convincing.



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